WOOP: experience your desired future

Not too long ago, a dear friend reached out to me with an intriguing idea: she wanted to gift her friend a career coaching session for her birthday. Little did we know, that session would turn out to be a transformative experience, not just for her friend, but for me as well. The energy and insight exchanged during that conversation fueled both our fires.

A brilliant idea was born - a gift card which unlocks the door to a 45-minute call tailored to provide a significant career boost. It is a gift that keeps on giving, one that you can gift YOUR friends, family, or colleagues. Whether it's for their birthday, King's Day πŸ‘‘, or just because they deserve it.

πŸ€” But then came the silence... πŸ€”

While I received numerous enthusiastic responses from friends who shared the post with friends or colleagues facing career challenges, the uptake was not as expected. Only a handful booked a session, and one didn't show up for our appointment.

It made me wonder: what holds people back from embracing the guiding hand to navigate career dissatisfaction and reclaim their energy?

πŸ’‘ Wish - Outcome - Obstacle - Plan πŸ’‘

Gabrielle Oettingen's research on motivation sheds light on my question. Dreaming about a better future, it turns out, isn't enough to gear up into action. In fact, it often leads to passivity.

What did help people into action was understanding where you are right now as it relates to that attainable dream. When you experience the contrast between where you want to be and where you are, it enhances your need for action.

🌱 Experience your desired future 🌱

What I realized is that most people are aware they desire change but haven't visualised and experienced their ultimate career dream yet. You probably mainly see bears on the road at this point. The first step towards transformation lies in defining your desired future, and then defining steps from where you are right now. So, allow me to reframe what our initial call will focus on:

Together, we will define a vision of your desired future and chart a path to realize it.

By the end of our 45-minute session, you'll either have identified actionable steps to take yourself, or perhaps you'll recognize the need for ongoing support in your journey. Either way, my guiding hand will remain within reach!

Oettingen, G., HΓΆnig, G., & Gollwitzer, P. M. (2000). Effective self-regulation of goal attainment. International Journal of Educational Research, 33, 705–732.

Curious about how we could work together?

You are ready to experience an alternative future and clarity on career goals. I guide professionals towards experiencing more fulfillment and success in work by creating a refreshing way of thinking about their career.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Book my gift to you now! πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

Charlotte Hoekstra
Certified Career Coach, MSc in Organizational Psychology & Change Management


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